The Importance Of STEM


What is STEM?

The most common and basic definition of STEM is to simply list the words of the acronym (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics). It is a form of education which embraces teaching skills and subjects in a manner which resembles real life.

Why is STEM education important?

STEM education is important because it commonly has a more innovative manner of teaching. Lessons are prone to be inquiry based, instead of the more traditional manner of teaching. Students are encouraged to explore the field independently, and classes often align with the way we work and problem solve in our daily lives. STEM jobs often includes a mixture of the four subjects it entails – as you will not find a job that will involve engineering without maths, for example.

It is the fact that STEM reflects the real world that makes it so important for children. Instead of expecting you to know all the facts, a big part of STEM is giving you the skills to be able to evaluate information, think critically and apply knowledge and research in order to problem solve. Education has changed since the traditional approach, and STEM is a big step forward in innovative learning.

How can you encourage your children to participate in STEM?

Getting your child interested in STEM should be something you are considering. The way a child’s mind learns and works aligns well with STEM. Young children are naturally inclined to question and explore the world around them, and encouraging their curiosity is the best way to get them interested in STEM topics.

STEM can start as early as reception and be continued all the way to university, and will help students become creative adults with many skills necessary to their day to day life. As our world is constantly becoming more and more technology driven, these skills increase in importance every passing day.

Hamza Ghafoor